PRESCRIPTION DRUG LAWYERS PROTECTING YOUR RIGHTS Americans rely on pharmaceutical drugs to cure their illnesses and improve their quality of life. When these drugs do not perform as intended, they can cause serious and fatal injuries. Defective and dangerous...
ADDITIONAL SETTLEMENTS Florida County Tourist Development Tax Collection Internet Booking Case Locus Telecommunications “Calling Cards” Settlement Agreement Total Call Calling Cards Settlement Sprint Early Termination Fee Settlement T-Mobile Early...
ATTORNEYS HELPING YOU RECOVER DAMAGES FOR DEFECTIVE ELECTRONICS Electronic devices continue to play greater roles in our lives. Many times, these products have not been properly tested and contain dangerous defects that place consumers at risk. Negligent companies...
ATTORNEYS FIGHTING FOR THE VICTIMS OF NEGLIGENT AUTO MANUFACTURERS The nation’s highways and roads can be dangerous places, where thousands of injuries and deaths occur each year. Unsafe and defective cars and automobile components only add to the danger that...
DEFECTIVE MEDICAL DEVICE LAWSUIT LAWYERS REPRESENTING PATIENTS NATIONWIDE The medical devices industry has seen explosive growth over the past decade. Technological advances have allowed medical device companies to develop, test and release dozens of new artificial...